I knew it was going to be a hard week to get through.
I knew this 7 seconds after biting into the dusty chicken breast I had over-cooked on Monday night. My meal was not enjoyable, and I was supposed to eat the same thing for the next 3 nights.
On Wednesday night I collapsed.
On my way home from the gym, I decided I was too hungry to gag down chicken and vegetables for the third night in a row.
I went to Pancheros instead.
I actually don't view Pancheros as that bad of a place to eat out - the ingredients are pretty fresh, and you can pack a lot of quality nutrients into a burrito. But on a normal week, I consider Pancheros to be off limits.
The next time you fall a little off track with your diet (like I did last night), remember that one meal isn't going to make much of a difference long-term to throw you off schedule in reaching your goals.
Eating right should be a lifestyle habit. Look at the big picture of it. Heck, we all can even afford to go through a week or two straight of gluttony each year.
Just don't let bingeing on bad foods become your regular way of eating.