It Came Quickly
It is a new year, and if three days ago you planned to establish new and healthier lifestyle habits in 2023, hopefully, things are off to a good start for you.
But it’s possible that despite your good intentions, life got in the way and you got distracted, so things are off to a less-than-ideal start.
Instead of having your meals prepped for the week, you skipped lunch, and right now you are pulling out of the drive-through with your mid-afternoon snack. As you turn around to toss your Burger King wrapper in the back seat, you astonishingly realize that you forgot to pack your gym clothes!! 😱😱😱
Should you give up altogether on eating healthier and trying to make regular gym-going a part of your life?
Of course not.
Just make sure that your next meal is a better choice than the Double Whopper you just devoured. Try to improve each meal from your previous one until you stumble upon the type of meal that is sustainable and that aligns with your goals.
People join gyms every day of the year. Why did you think you needed to join one on January 1st or on the first Monday of the year?
If you cannot get to a gym to work out today, see if you can make it tomorrow.
As for today, here is something active you can do from home that will take you less time than you spend getting through your IG feed…
Do 20 squats, then hold a :30 plank. Then do 19 squats, then hold a :30 plank. Then 18 squats followed by a :30 plank. Continue this pattern down to 1 or whenever you need to stop.
Happy New Year!