Good morning! I wanted to share with you what is ahead for the remaining 2 weeks leading into WBC.

Training Schedule

For those of you I am training/programming for, below is the remaining training schedule I plan to follow and one I consider best for tapering into April 20. For everyone else on the team, I recommend trying to follow a similar schedule for the next two weeks as well. Understanding we all have a life outside of preparing for WBC, it is not a big deal if you need to deviate from this some, but where possible, plan your workout schedule as close to this as you can. The schedule for meet week is most important. At the very least, plan to have your final real training day wrapped up by Tuesday or Wednesday of meet week so that you have 2-3 full days to recover before Saturday.

Blue= Intensity 0. Complete off-days.

Orange= Intensity 7-9. normal training days, working a comp lift or the comp lifts together to some capacity.

Pink= Intensity 1-4. Light training days, working mobility and accessory exercises to promote recovery.

If you foresee your training schedule being drastically different from this, please let me know so I can adjust your workouts as needed.

Meet day Handling

I would like to get my final count for who I am handling for WBC. If you would like my help planning for (and on) meet day and have not yet signed up, please do so before this Wednesday (4/10). The lifters I am handling will be my priority on meet day.

A refresher of what is included in handling:

    1.    1-1 strategy discussion where we choose your openers and top weights we want to target.

    2.    Complete warm-up schedule for both bench and deadlift. Weights, sets, and reps to take, as well as when to take your final warm-up attempt based on your placement in your flight.

    3.    Help during warm-ups from my assistant (and myself when I am available).

    4.    Me being with you during your attempts on the platform. After each attempt, I help you choose (or choose for you) your next attempt and report it to the head table.

I am excited for the final push into April 20, let me know if you have any questions!