BW- Bodyweight
OH- Overhead
TF- To failure
ALAP- As long as possible.
AMRAP- As many reps as possible. Example: 135 AMRAP means to do 135lb. for as many reps as you can in one set.
AMSAP- As many sets as possible. Example 135x5 AMSAP means to do as many sets of 5 with 135lb. as you can. Once you can no longer hit 5 reps, you are done.
AFSAP- As few sets as possible. Example: 135 10 AFSAP means to do 10 reps with 135lb. in as few sets as possible. It might look something like this: 7+2+1.
Rep- Short for repetition. 1 rep is one complete movement of a given exercise. Example: 1 squat = down and back up. 3 squats = down and back up, three times.
Set- A group of consecutive reps. Example: to do a set of 10 squats, one must go down and back up 10 times.
Miss- Failed attempt.
Attempt- A set consisting of 1 rep.
Work to Single- Work to the heaviest weight you can do for 1 rep without having a miss. If you are working to a single and you have a miss, you have either taken too many attempts or worked too heavy (or both). When working to a single we want to reach a point of high stimulus without reaching failure (a miss). Recovering from failed reps can negatively affect training for days, possibly even weeks. Think about “Working to a Single” as getting as close to the sun as you can without burning up.
Work to Max or “Max Out”- Work up in weight and continue to do so until you have a miss. When maxing out, you are not done until you have a miss. Your max is your highest successful attempt (the weight you miss on does not count as your max.)