There is nothing sexy about recovery, but I strongly believe it is even more important than your training. Without recovery, quality training is impossible. If you buy into this and take your recovery efforts seriously, you will set yourself up for greater success on the platform.
It is said that there is no such thing as overtraining, only under-recovery. I tend to agree with this.
With it being a few weeks out from WBC, and with some of our teammates dealing with injury, illness, and weight cuts, I thought it would be helpful for me to share a couple of graphics that offer my beliefs on training recovery.
Multiple causes often contribute to and amplify recovery or under-recovery. Also, a big factor I forgot to include on my graphic is HYDRATION. Dehydrated=huge hindrance to recovery!!
Poor recovery quickly becomes a vicious and inescapable cycle. The longer you remain in an under-recovered state, the harder it becomes to ever get recovered enough.
Think of yourself as a sponge, with your goal being to stay as recovery-saturated as possible. If you allow yourself to get too wrung out, you will have a hard time catching up and lifting to your potential on April 20.
If you are experiencing any “under-recovered symptoms” to a severe degree, work hard to get yourself re-saturated as quickly as possible by adhering to some of the “causes of recovered” in the first graphic.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like any suggestions.
Keep up the great work in training and in your recovery methods…and don’t you dare forget about hand care!