Cutting weight is not easy. It is not comfortable. But when uncomfortable things begin to happen, the right things are starting to take place. Here are some thoughts and tips related to cutting weight.

Appetite Training

Like just about anything, your appetite can be trained. If one wishes to gain weight, a caloric surplus is needed and an increase in appetite will eventually be realized. The opposite is needed for weight loss. Unfortunately, it is much more challenging to train a decrease in appetite for most people, but after a week or two of battling through hunger and moodiness, things become easier.

Embrace Hunger

You are not going to feel constantly satiated throughout the day during a weight cut, nor should you. Consuming your normal or above-normal amount of food energy would make you feel satiated. But we are consuming less than normal, so it should not come as a surprise that you feel hungrier. Feel encouragement that your body is noticing the reduction in calories.

Whole Foods

Ideally, your diet would already consist of mainly single-ingredient foods. Single-ingredient foods offer the highest ratio of nutrients per calorie. When food intake is reduced, you have fewer opportunities to get the nutrients you need. Therefore, it is important to get the most out of what you are eating with the use of nutrient-dense foods.

Liquids (The Bad)

Liquid calories are easily forgotten about when managing a food energy balance. Any liquids that contain calories should be avoided when attempting to stay in a caloric deficit. Opt for liquids that contain 0 calories. Stay away from, or at the very least minimize the consumption of the following liquids.

  • sweetened water

  • juices

  • coffee additives

  • sodas

  • sports drinks

  • alcohol

Liquids (The Good)

As detrimental as liquids can be if you are not careful, they can be just as useful for helping fight off hunger pangs. Staying hydrated alone is a fantastic way to keep food cravings down. Carbonated beverages can work to volumize your stomach, tricking your body into thinking your stomach is full. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant. The following liquids can be useful tools to keep your hunger down in between meals and prevent you from doing any unnecessary snacking.

  • water

  • black coffee

  • diet or zero sodas

  • sparkling water

Monitor Your Energy Levels

Lastly, a tedious balance needs to be maintained to effectively cut weight while simultaneously training for an event. If you begin to feel chronically low on energy,