Your body would adapt to squatting heavy every single day.
Your body would adapt to only 700 calories a day.
Your body would adapt to just 5 hours of sleep per day.
Are these my recommendations?
But you could squat every day on 700 calories and 5 hours of sleep if you wanted or needed to.
Would this produce the best results for you?
Probably not.
But it would get you better results than the person who isn’t squatting
because they’re too busy reading 19,000 articles every day about what is
the correct squat variation, stance, and tempo, and how many sets and
reps to do, at what intensity, and at what frequency.
Better results than the person who starts the Carnivore Diet on a Monday
and is a vegan by Friday.
Better results than the person who lays down intending to get 8-10 hours of sleep
but distracts and stresses themself with a 12-step sleep optimization
schedule to the point they only get 3.5 hours.
Just pick something to do, I don’t really care what it is, and don’t spend much
time trying to figure out if it’s the perfect thing to be doing.
That’s where you start to waste time and create an unnecessary barrier to your
Is this my recommendation?
Because eventually, you will adapt to the thing(s) you continually do even if it’s far from perfect.